Acne Treatments
In addition to other means of treating acne, including prescription medications, your Dermatologist may wish to recommend treatments that are a combination of medical and what are considered cosmetic approaches.
BBL PhotoFacial, ProFractional Resurfacing, and Peels are among treatment approaches for moderate acne. In the case of PhotoFacial, the energy from the device allows controlled heating of the skin, causing the destruction of bacteria that generates acne. After a series of this type of treatment, many patients experience a considerable reduction in their symptoms. The number of treatments recommended will vary with each individual.
Results don't lie:

We have a skincare regimen for you
Proper daily skin care is critical to effective management of acne. At Rejuvené, we have a variety of preparations that are customized for acne afflicted skin. Active ingredients such as glycolic or salicylic acids and potent antioxidants are important factors that provide proper cleansing, exfoliation, and soothing of irritation and inflammation which often accompanies this condition.
For more information regarding advanced treatments for Acne, please see BBL PhotoFacial, ProFractional Resurfacing, and Peels in the Treatments and Procedures section of this website. You can also refer to Medical Skin Care Products for appropriate topical formulas for this condition.
It is important for the long term management of acne, that you first see your Dermatologist for recommendation of additional treatments approaches.
If you've already done so, please call (530) 342-8295 or:
Schedule a consultation!